torsdag 5 november 2015

Quality of life indicators - measuring quality of life

Figure 1: GDP versus gross disposable income of households, euro area, in volume/real terms, seasonally adjusted (2005=100), 2005-2012
Source: Eurostat
Map 1: GDP per capita in PPS, 2011
Source: Eurostat (nama_aux_gph)
This article is part of the Eurostat online publication Quality of life indicators, providing recent statistics on the quality of life in the European Union (EU). The publication presents a detailed analysis of many different dimensions of quality of life, complementing the indicator traditionally used as the measure of economic and social development, gross domestic product (GDP).
The present article is a general introduction to the set of '8+1' statistical articles (see below), sketching the conceptual, policy and methodological background: what is quality of life and how can its different aspects be measured adequately?