In July the Royal Statistical Society held a half-day event, ‘Statistics across the curriculum: are we preparing young people for the data revolution?’. The meeting built on previous research on statistical content across subjects at AS and A Level, in the RSS report A World Full of Data, and in joint RSS and the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) report Embedding Statistics at A Level. These reports include recommendations that learned societies, professional bodies and subject associations should ensure that support is made available for those teaching statistics within their subject areas.
måndag 25 juli 2016
Are we preparing young people for the data revolution? Event report
In July the Royal Statistical Society held a half-day event, ‘Statistics across the curriculum: are we preparing young people for the data revolution?’. The meeting built on previous research on statistical content across subjects at AS and A Level, in the RSS report A World Full of Data, and in joint RSS and the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) report Embedding Statistics at A Level. These reports include recommendations that learned societies, professional bodies and subject associations should ensure that support is made available for those teaching statistics within their subject areas.