Statistics Finland has the pleasure of inviting you to the 28th Nordic Statistical Meeting. The conference takes place in Helsinki on 26 to 28 August 2019 under the theme Facts for Future.
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Papers, Presenters and Speakers
1. Getting Hold of Data
Methods to improve quality of questionnaire-based data collection
Bruer-Skarskö - Could fresh register data improve answers in surveys
Hendriks - Evidence-based quality improvement
Virtanen - Surveys are like a box of chocolate - you never know what you're going to get.docx
Hendriks - Evidence-based quality improvement
Virtanen - Surveys are like a box of chocolate - you never know what you're going to get.docx
Mixed-mode surveys
Combining different sources for compiling statistics
Ossi Nurmi - Method for compiling statistics on rented holiday homes
Viklund - Municipal waste - existing data ready to be utilised
Viklund - Municipal waste - existing data ready to be utilised
Data management and sharing
Ruotsalainen - Nordic Mobility Statistics
Saar - The role of administrative data manager in getting access to data and metadata
Saar - The role of administrative data manager in getting access to data and metadata
New data, Machine Learning
Aanesen - Electricity data hub - a new source in statistics
Ahilathasan - Machine learning on the classification of economic activities
Haraldsen - A statistical approach to big data
Ahilathasan - Machine learning on the classification of economic activities
Haraldsen - A statistical approach to big data
2. Processing and Analysing
Processing social statistics
Ekberg - The wage effect of commuting - an analysis of the gender wage gap in local labour markets
Gylfadottir - Icelandic Wage Price Index
Visk - Constructing families using administrative registers
Gylfadottir - Icelandic Wage Price Index
Visk - Constructing families using administrative registers
Fruitfull multinational cooperation
Aalandslid - New comaparative data on migrants and their integration in the Nordic countries
Miettinen et al - Differences in accidents at work statistics between the Nordic countries
Nilsen et al - Establishing harmonized business Statistics Databases in the Nordic NSIs - challenges and achievements
Miettinen et al - Differences in accidents at work statistics between the Nordic countries
Nilsen et al - Establishing harmonized business Statistics Databases in the Nordic NSIs - challenges and achievements
New roads
Granström - Developing new statistics describing the legal process of criminal justice process
Mortensen - Assessing the MNE pilot excercise - the case for LCUs
Peturson - Estimating the Residential Accommodation Component
Mortensen - Assessing the MNE pilot excercise - the case for LCUs
Peturson - Estimating the Residential Accommodation Component
Statistical computing
Grini et al - Predicting the Contractual full time equivalent percentage using xgboost
Myklatun - Utilizing machine learning in the Consumer Price Index
Rörhus - Machine Learning in ITGS
Myklatun - Utilizing machine learning in the Consumer Price Index
Rörhus - Machine Learning in ITGS
Different faces of validation
Gislason - Error detection for the statistics of external trade in goods
Hertz - Re-thinking data validation
Pasila et. al - Automatized Validation and Pseudonymization of Data Sets - a new data acquisition process
Hertz - Re-thinking data validation
Pasila et. al - Automatized Validation and Pseudonymization of Data Sets - a new data acquisition process
Linking multisource data
Davis et al - Integrating areal classifications and geospatial data - case IGALOD
Fjärli - savings and investments in the private sector
Grönvall - record linkage in agricultural statistics
Fjärli - savings and investments in the private sector
Grönvall - record linkage in agricultural statistics
Ensuring quality in official statistics
Bergdahl et al - Reporting on Accuracy for the National Accounts
Einarsdottir - Dont be afraid of the conceptual validity
Nilsen - Concepts making the complex simple
Einarsdottir - Dont be afraid of the conceptual validity
Nilsen - Concepts making the complex simple
3. Delivering and Communicating
Improving direct communication with users
Dzamarija - The pros and cons of having comprehensive framework agreement on migration related statistics and analyses at Statistics Norway
Eek - Better working methods to improve dialogue with respondents
Haverinen - Automatization of customer service could a chatbot answer statistical questions
Eek - Better working methods to improve dialogue with respondents
Haverinen - Automatization of customer service could a chatbot answer statistical questions
Enabeling expert users through good metadata and APIs
Bjorgvinsson - A leadership lost reclaiming the Nordics place in teh open data space
Piiroja et al - Harmonised structural metadata for faster and more coherent output
Platinovsek et al - Toward standardized statistical tables metadata-driven px-file production
Piiroja et al - Harmonised structural metadata for faster and more coherent output
Platinovsek et al - Toward standardized statistical tables metadata-driven px-file production
Finding – understanding – accomplishing: Efforts in more user-friendly dissemination
Bo - Making our external economy data more comprehensible
Karlsson - Building trust in official statistics, ethos, pathos and logos in a blog
Metsä - Experiences of mobile first articles and blogging service
Karlsson - Building trust in official statistics, ethos, pathos and logos in a blog
Metsä - Experiences of mobile first articles and blogging service
Making an impact in the news
Fredriksen - Use your own statistical experts to set the agenda and build reputation
Majalahti - What media wants from Statistics Finland experts - a study on how to increase the visibility of our experts
Nörtoft - Proactive presswork - during national election and in general
Majalahti - What media wants from Statistics Finland experts - a study on how to increase the visibility of our experts
Nörtoft - Proactive presswork - during national election and in general
Implementing new tools for disseminating statistics and microdata
Brauer - Building Digital channels for fully personalised data experience
Sjöberg - Microdatano - ready, set research!
Valve - Fishing dashboard - improving the reporting of data on fisheries
Sjöberg - Microdatano - ready, set research!
Valve - Fishing dashboard - improving the reporting of data on fisheries
Promoting statistical learning in a time of information overload
Calian et al - SAILS an e-learning system using data of official statistics
Jokinen - Fact-based noise on social media efforts of statistical education in marketing
Stabell et al - Reaching the young population
Jokinen - Fact-based noise on social media efforts of statistical education in marketing
Stabell et al - Reaching the young population
4. Facing the Future
The changing environment for official statistics
Malmdin - Quality Framework for Official Statistics of Sweden
Säbö - Official statistics as a safeguard against fake news
Stahel - Data sharing in the public sector A pilot for the Danish universities
Säbö - Official statistics as a safeguard against fake news
Stahel - Data sharing in the public sector A pilot for the Danish universities
The changing overall role and mission of NSIs
Amundsen - Fear and loathing in official statistics
Kirdan - Reconnecting to a fact-based ethos
Piela - Statistical Agencies facing the digital era
Kirdan - Reconnecting to a fact-based ethos
Piela - Statistical Agencies facing the digital era
Data science and technology partnerships
User driven innovation
Jenssen et al - A conversation on the challenges of modernisation
Mäkelä - Design thinking in developing new concepts for statistical content
Skovbo - Pros and Cons of Tailor-made data solutions and income generating activities to NSI activity
Mäkelä - Design thinking in developing new concepts for statistical content
Skovbo - Pros and Cons of Tailor-made data solutions and income generating activities to NSI activity
Modernisation of process, system and quality management
Falch - Modernising statistical production at Statistics Norway
Glomsås - Hack4ssb in Statistics Norway
Kaukonen - The expanding role of metadata supporting a modern statistical production process
Glomsås - Hack4ssb in Statistics Norway
Kaukonen - The expanding role of metadata supporting a modern statistical production process
The global picture – NSIs and SDGs

Anette Morgils Hertz is a Senior Adviser at Statistics Denmark. She is responsible for the overall validation setup and methodology at External Economy, covering the International trade in goods, International trade in services and Balance of payment statistics as well as involved in the implementation of Modernized Intrastat and the implementation of the Union customs code.

Annette Thomsen works at Statistics Denmark and has experience in various fields within national accounts and government finance statistics. Examples are supply-use tables, quarterly accounts, capital stock estimates and institutional sector accounts. Has recently been involved in cooperation with business statistics in the setting up of a Large Cases Unit.

Annie Stahel is the CIO of Statistics Denmark. She is responsible for IT at Statistics Denmark and specifically work with strategy, architecture, security & data protection and governance. Stahel works with strategic projects like e.g. data sharing with a close focus on investigating the legal and ethical dimensions of expanding the use and value of the data and the data processing skills of Statistics Denmark. Her background is in Computational Linguistics.

Annika Brauer is the Head of Data Technology Department at Statistics Estonia. She supervises the planning and execution of all technology related development projects. Her current portfolio consists of a thorough renewal of core statistical production systems as well as client-side applications, which involve an innovative approach to data sharing. Brauer has a Master’s degree in business information technology from Tallinn University of Technology.

Anton Karlsson is the Head of Unit at Statistics Iceland working with areas such as labor market, living conditions and demography.

Aura Pasila works as a project manager at the Population and Social Statistics Unit of Statistics Finland. She is currently working on a project that develops a new metadata system.

Camilla Stabell is a Communication Adviser at Statistics Norway where she works with the SSB School, social media, media relations and video production.

Dag F. Gravem is a Communication Adviser at Statistics Norway where she works with the SSB School, social media, media relations and video production. Dag F. Gravem, is the leader of the group for instrument development and user testing at Statistics Norway’s Division for methods. Current work includes mixed-mode questionnaire design for social surveys. He is also a topic editor for the Journal of the International Association for Official Statistics.

Diana Beltadze has worked as the census project manager in Statistics Estonia since 2008. She is interested in various technologies in the combined-approach as well as register-based census-taking. Beltadze has worked as an international consultant on issues related to the application of census methodology and carried out training on the collection of data using the combined approach.

Emma Castillo Schiro is a sociologist and has studied at University of Oslo and University of Notre Dame. Emma worked in the US and Japan before employment at Statistics Norway. Emma is currently responsible for the Norwegian Media Barometer and the Culture Barometer. Together with the rest of the team: “Words to numbers” Magnus and Emma were awarded the jury’s prize in Statistics Norway’s first Hackaton.

Essi Kaukonen is working as a senior planner in the Standards and Methods Department at Statistics Finland. Her main tasks are related to the development of the Metadata System supporting statistical production as well as developing the utilisation of the enterprise and, especially, information architecture approach. She is familiar with statistical frameworks and standards and has also contributed in standardising efforts in international cooperation, i.e. within UNECE projects and task teams.

Evy Eek is a Senior Adviser at Statistics Norway working in the Division of user contant with internal work reports, coercive fines and listening to calls and feedback.

Fredrik Granström is a Statistician working in the Division for Crime Statistics at the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention. He is also a PhD student at the Department of Medical and Health Sciences at Linköping University.

Hans Viggo Sæbø is retired but has a contract with and represents Statistics Norway, where he recently has been responsible for quality management. He has extensive experience from various management roles and positions covering coordination, strategy, planning and quality. He has also broad experience from international cooperation and consulting.

Helle Harbo Holm is Head of Press and responsible of the presswork and the press team at Statistics Denmark. Her job is to prioritize the assignments and to give sparring to the team, develop and implement new strategies and initiatives, to handle critical cases and give counselling to her colleagues and the board at Statistics Denmark. In the first part of 2019 a specific assignment has been to define how to handle the proactive press work during the national election and to run a new election unit that provides help to the journalists.

Helle Visk is a methodologist at Statistics Estonia. She develops new methodologies in population statistics for Estonia’s first register-based census. Helle holds a master’s degree in mathematical statistics from the University of Tartu.

Ina Selmer-Anderssen is a Communications Advisor at Statistics Norway. In addition to working with media relations and communication in general, she is responsible for coordinating, planning and creating content for all social media platforms where Statistics Norway has a presence.

Jennika Leino is an Applications specialist at Statistics Finland. She is currently working as an IT project manager in the IGALOD project which studies merging areal classifications and geographical data using linked data techniques. Other assignments include working as a project manager in a project which is implementing the new Suomi.fi Identification and e-Authorization services in Statistics Finland, and as a specialist in a couple of other projects too.

Joakim Malmdin has been working with the quality framework for official statistics in Sweden for 3,5 years. He is the Director of Quality Management and Head of Method Unit at Statistics Sweden.

John Ekberg is the director of Public statistics on Salaries and Wages at the Swedish National Mediation Office (Medlingsinstitutet). John’s research interest include analysis of wage dispersion, gender pay gap and parental leave. John has a Ph.D from Stockholm University.

Jon Mortensen works at Statistic Denmark in the Large Cases Unit (LCU). Responsible for the data consistency work on MNEs. Has previously worked with International Trade and FATS Statistics, Microdata-linking (MDL) and various other data-projects. Before joining Statistics Denmark Mr. Mortensen worked in research, for the Danish Energy Agency and the UN.

Joonas Valve works as a research scientist in the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke). Joonas studied economics and statistics in the University of Helsinki and has a Master degree of Social Sciences.

Katharina Rossbach is the Senior executive officer in the Department for methodology at Statistics Norway. She is working as a questionnaire methodologist on questionnaire design and user-testing and participates in quality reviews.

Katja Overgaard is a Head of Section at Statistics Denmark. Her work consists of the compilation and dissemination of Trade by Enterprise Characteristics, both goods and services, project oriented work on improving validation, compilation and dissemination of figures for External Trade and validation-checks for large enterprises critical to External Trade and Balance of Payments Statistics.

Kristin Fredriksen has worked as a Senior Communications Advisor in Statistics Norway since 2017. She has different editorial experience for ten years in Norwegian newspapers. She has also worked as political journalist, desk editor, editor for the webpage. Fredriksen has a master’s degree in political science.

Laura Mäkelä works as a project manager using service design in web content and concept work. Sse has got a strong experience in developing new web services collaborating with other experts. Laura has worked in Statistics Finland from 2004 as Information Specialist, Information Services Designer and as a Project Manager. Her background is in information services and management, media studies and journalism.

Lea Lof works as a Senior Statistician at the Data Collection Department of Statistics Finland. She is the project manager of the ongoing Data Acquisition Process project.

Lene Ødegård Olsen is a Communications Advisor at Statistics Norway. In addition to working with media relations and communication in general, she is responsible for coordinating, planning and creating content for all social media platforms where Statistics Norway has a presence.

Magnus Myrdal Jenssen has worked at Statistics Norway for almost two years. Completed a bachelor's degree in computer science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology just prior. At Statistics Norway he works as a systems developer and most of his time is spent creating web applications and interfaces against the new backend systems developed in the modernization project. Other than that, he spends his time trying to understand the GSIM model.

Marika Jokinen works at Statistics Finland as a head of education. She is responsible for organizing courses for outside experts of various topics linked with statistics and statistical data. Since last year she’s in this position, before that she worked as a researcher in data collection unit for over 10 years. Her background is in research, mainly in survey but also in qualitative research. Jokinen graduated from Jyväskylä University and I got her master’s degree in social science.

Mikko Saloila is working as a Senior Statistician in Standards and Methods Department at Statistics Finland. He mostly works with things around metadata system development, statistical frameworks and information/enterprise architecture. He is also involved in international cooperation, for example participating in UNECE task teams under the Supporting Standards group.

Noora Seppä works at the Data Collection Department of Statistics Finland developing a new Data Acquisition Process as a product owner.

Ossi Nurmi is a senior statistician at Statistics Finland. Ossi is the team leader of tourism statistics, including Accommodation statistics, Finnish Travel -survey as well as the Tourism Satellite Account. Ossi has over 10 years of experience in the field of tourism and transport statistics and has participated in several national and international projects related to statistical development such as mobile positioning data. At present, Ossi is also acts as Chair of the OECD Working Group on Tourism Statistics. Ossi graduated from Helsinki School of Business in 2004 as a Master of Science in Economics.

Piret Piiroja is a leading methodologist at the Statistics Design Department of Statistics Estonia. She is a member of the output team, where her duties include description of structural metadata for data cubes, implementation of standard code lists and harmonisation of structural metadata. Piiroja holds a Master’s degree in general linguistics from the University of Tartu.

Richard Ragnarsøn is head of the international secretariat in Statistics Norway. He was part of the secretariat for the Government appointed Statistics Law committee. He has previously worked for Eurostat and EFTA.

Riitta Piela is a Senior Statistician and a project manager at the Economic and Environmental Statistics department at Statistics Finland. Currently she is running a project that is trying to improve the production of the National Accounts to better meet the requirements of end users. Previously Piela has worked as an application specialist, project manager and chief architect.

Siim Nettan is product manager at the Data Technology Department of Statistics Estonia. He is responsible for maintaining RStudio Server, integrating R software in production and organising R courses for staff. He develops output program in cooperation with the output team. Siim Nettan has a Master’s degree in plant ecology from the University of Tartu.

Svein Tore Bø is infusing the business world with insight to what, where and how advanced analytics and AI will have a major impact on business going forward. Technologist by heart and supports a broad range of industries from Commercial, Financial Service, Energy to Government and Health Care. Svein Tore works as business advisor, advising customers on their technology strategy to succeeding with AI and advance analytics.

Toni Räikkönen works as an IT Development Manager at the Data Management department of Statistics Finland. He is specialized in the areas of information systems and technology architecture.

Trine Westvold is legal senior adviser in the Department of administration in Statistics Norway. She was part of the secretariat for the Government appointed Statistics Law committee. She has previously worked for the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries.

Ulla Agerskov is project manager in Nordic Council of Ministers’ Policy Analysis and Statistics unit in. She is responsible for the production, use and communication of statistics within the organization. She is at present on leave from Statistics Denmark, while working in Nordic Council of Ministers. Her educational background is a Master of Science in Economics from Copenhagen University.

Ulrik Rongved Amundsen is a Web Editor at Statistics Norway. His responsabilities include creating and curating content on ssb.no. as well as making decisions on editorial policy and advising on new content types for the web site.

Virtanen Vesa is Head of Development at Data Collection Unit of Statistics Finland. He has been working with statistical surveys for three decades and especially with web surveys from the “Space Odyssey year 2001”. During these years data collection has been all between face-to-face surveys to web scraping. Lately he has been working with quality assessment of business and household surveys and with questions like how to ensure that all groups are well-represented in the collected data and are the digital incentives a way to get higher response rates in surveys.

Photographer: Lasse Keltto

Siim Sikkut is the Government CIO of Estonia, also titled as Deputy Secretary General for IT and Telecom in Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications since March 2017. His role is to set the strategy and policies, to launch and steer strategic initiatives and regulation in areas of digital government and society in Estonia. Siim is one of the founders of Estonia’s groundbreaking e-Residency programme. He was nominated to Apolitical 2018 list of world’s TOP20 most influential people in digital government.

Kimmo Vehkalahti is a social statistician, university lecturer and adjunct professor in statistics at the University of Helsinki.
Kimmo is a distinguished teacher of data science and applied statistics. He is known for popularising statistics, promoting statistical literacy and his Massive Open Online Courses in statistics. Kimmo is a Fellow of the Teachers' Academy and has received multiple awards for his innovative and inspiring teaching.

Esa Mäkinen is an author and data journalist. He is the managing editor of Helsingin Sanomat, the largest newspaper in Finland.
Esa has contributed to data-driven journalism, data visualization and fact-based social debate. He has a Master’s degree in sociology from the University of Helsinki.
Esa's novel Totuuskuutio (the Truth Cube) is a dystopian thriller about data, control and power.

Samuel Kaski is an Academy Professor at Aalto University, director of the Finnish Center for Artifical Intelligence FCAI, and a member of the Statistics Finland Advisory Board.
Samuel’s research interests include machine learning methods, information visualization, data analysis and data science.
Samuel has a Ph.D. from the Helsinki University of Technology.

Tuuli Kaskinen is an executive advisor and board member at Demos, a Helsinki-based think tank specializing in smart use of natural and human resources. Tuuli carries our research through engaging people from different organizations, creating future perspectives and scanning trends.
She is also a board member of the board at the University of Turku and in construction company Fira and advisory board member at energy company Fortum.
Tuuli hold a master's degree in international business from the University of Turku.

President Tarja Halonen
Tarja Halonen served two terms as President of Finland from 2000 to 2012. During her presidency, she was Co-Chair of the United Nations Millennium Summit, Co-Chair of the Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalization, Co-Chair of the UN High-Level Panel on Global Sustainability and Chair of the Council of Women World Leaders.
Prior to her election, she served as Minister of Social Affairs and Health, Minister of Justice, and Minister for Foreign Affairs. Over her political career, which began in 1974, President Halonen has paid close attention to promotion of democracy, human rights, and the role of civil society. Strengthening social justice and gender equality have been central themes.
President Halonen has been actively engaged with non-governmental organizations and trade unions. She is also Chair of the Board of the University of Helsinki. After her exit from the office, the TH Global Sustainability Foundation was established in 2012 to promote President Halonen’s work in the field of sustainable development.
She continues to work closely with the UN and is currently Alternate Co-Chair of the Every Woman Every Child Movement’s Steering Group, and a member of the Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation. Among other duties, she is also UN Global Champion for Disaster Risk Reduction, UN Drylands Ambassador, and a member of the Group of Eminent Persons (CTBT).