torsdag 12 mars 2020



Hi, this is Lisa; I’m responsible for the blog and the general communication at Datawrapper. I published lots of live-updating charts, maps, and tables about the coronavirus last Friday. Guess what today’s chart is about.

By now, #FlattenTheCurve is trending on Twitter. We collectively learn that “it is not the number of cases and deaths that matters. It is their growth rate that matters”, as Max Roser from “Our World in Data” explains in this tweet. The trajectory is important. And many countries are on the same:

Some media outlets have published a chart on a log scale like the one above, like SPIEGEL or the Financial Times (that’s an excellent one, with great annotations). What I haven’t seen so far is this chart with the number of confirmed cases in Europe, and with helper lines that explain doubling times.