tisdag 17 mars 2020

Mathematics of the Corona outbreak

Lars Lyberg reshared a post: A popular presentation of the basic results of the mathematical theory of infectious diseases, based on probability theory, by Tom Britton, the Cramér Professor of Mathematical Statistics at Stockholm University. The presentation should help the public understand the role of R_0 in discussions of the Coronavirus COVID19, and particularly the public-health policies that can reduce the effective reproduction number: Handwashing, face-masks (for the infected), quarantine & social isolation, etc. Such probabilistic models are used in the statistical analysis of data from the pandemic. This presentation is not an epidemiological analysis of COVID19. #StockholmUniversity #MathematicalBiology #StochasticModels #SwedishResearch #PopularScience #Probability #MathematicalStatistics #Epidemiology #InfectiousDiseases #Coronavirus #COVID19 #R0 #ReproductionNumber


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