- From Branching Processes to Clinical Trials
The title ties together Olle Nerman’s work in Mathematical Statistics during more than three decades. Mathematical Statistics is a wide branch of mathematical sciences including both probability and statistics and not the least many applications in various other scientific disciplines. The research of Olle Nerman is a perfect illustration of this. In particular, he has been instrumental in establishing and promoting biostatistics in its various forms stretching from general population models, with applications to cell kinetics, to clinical trials and bioinformatics. His early theoretical work, which led to a fundamental understanding of the structure of general branching processes, is increasingly referred to in new publications.
Symposium web site: http://www.chalmers.se/sv/institutioner/math/forskning/konferenser-pa-MV/Sidor/Nerman-Symposium-2017.aspx
Plats: Euler, Skeppsgränd 3, Matematiska Vetenskaper, Chalmers och Göteborgs Universitet
Tid: 2017-09-01 12:30
Sluttid: 2017-09-02 13:00
Vänliga hälsningar, Peter Jagers