onsdag 9 januari 2019

Statistikfrämjandets nyhetsbrev januari 2019

  • Surveyföreningens Kvalitetsseminarium den 7/2
  • ENBES ger två workshops i statistik
  • Grupp för unga statistiker skapad
Nu är programmet för Surveyföreningens Kvalitetsseminarium spikat!
Årets kvalitetsseminarium heter "Nya Möjligheter till marknadsinformation genom Big Data, andra källor och analyser" och kommer beskriva:
- Nuläge och generella aspekter
- Konkreta exempel på kompletterande informationskällor och analyser
- Vart går utvecklingen – Hur ser dagens pionjärer på framtiden

När: Torsdag den 7:e februari kl. 9:00-ca 16:15

Var: Westmanska Palatset (Holländargatan 17, rum: Bryggarkungen)

 Medlemmar i Surveyföreningen       3 200 kronor (exkl. moms)
        Medlemmar i vänföreningar              3 500 kronor (exkl. moms)
(ESOMAR, MIS, SMIF, SMUF, SÖK, Statistikfrämjandet, Sveriges Marknadsförbund)
         Icke-medlemmar                                3 800 kronor (exkl. moms)
         Universitets-/högskolestuderande  500 kronor (inkl. moms)

     Lilli Japec, Dan Hedlin, Thomas Laitila, Fredrik Törn, Gunnar Ehrnborg, Cecilia Ydremark, Tobias Sjöqvist och Sophie Hedestad

Anmälan skickas till ake@wissing.se med uppgift om namn, företag/organisation, ev. medlemskap (se avgift ovan), fakturaadress (helst via e-post) samt uppgift om ev. kostavvikelse.

Hela programmet samt mer information finner du här!
ENBES invites to two establishment statistics workshops

Coordinated sampling workshop 
ENBES, the European Network for Better Establishment Statistics, is inviting methodologists, researchers and practitioners to a one-day workshop on coordinated sampling. In an effort to guide forward the theory and application of coordinated sampling, the workshop will showcase leading NSI approaches as well as give a research overview, followed by a moderated discussion to facilitate identification of common elements and improvement of current best practices.
he workshop is held at Statistics Netherlands (CBS) in The Hague on March 1st, 2019.
Web: statswiki.unece.org/display/ENBES/Workshop+on+Coordinated+Sampling
ENBES is announcing Call for Papers and Participation for EESW19, its 6th European Establishment Statistics Workshop, to be held in Bilbao, the Basque Country, Spain, on 24-27 September 2019.
Web: statswiki.unece.org/display/ENBES/EESW19 

Registration to each of these workshops is free of charge.
For additional information, please write to info@enbes.org  or visit www.enbes.org.

Looking forward to greeting you on a forthcoming event,
// ENBES Steering Committee
Creation of Young Statisticians Europe Group
In the end of October the group "Young Statisticians Europe" (YSE) was founded during a two-day workshop in Paris.

The goals of the group are: 
- To support the creation of national communities, networks and societies for young statisticians.
- To provide a platform for networking and exchange between national young statisticians associations
- To promote joint research and academic collaboration on an international level
- To organize regional activities and events for young statisticians
- To connect statisticians across different subject areas and career paths

People welcome in the group are:
We include everyone that considers themselves to be “young statisticians” so for example, master’s students, PhD students, postdocs and people in the early stages of their careers from academics or industry in the field of statistics.

So far we have done the following:
- We have created an email address to contact us: youngstatisticianseurope@gmail.com and a google drive to share documents.
- We have created a facebook group where every young statistician is welcomed: Young Statisticians Europe: https://www.facebook.com/groups/youngstateurope/
- We have created a slack channel for communication between the representatives from each country: https://yse-workspace.slack.com/

Upcoming steps and events are:
- Organizing an annual event with scientific and administrative sessions. Romania kindly offered to organize the next event to be held in September 2019.
- Organizing some pre-events during international conferences. For example in user!2019 held in Toulouse from 9th to 12th July.
- Creating a Young Statisticians Europe Linkedin page.
- Creating a Young Statisticians Europe website.
- Supporting the creation of new young statistical networks.
- Involving people from other countries to be part of the European group.

Suggestions of one or two representatives who want to be part of the further organization and development of the YSE group is also highly appreciated.

Best regards,
// Aurore Archimbaud for the YSE group
Svenska Statistikfrämjandet
sekrfram@gmail.com     www.statistikframjandet.se