onsdag 27 juni 2018

Statistical Insights - OECD

Statistical Insights are a series of stories launched in 2016 that highlight indicators that tend to be less visible than standard headline indicators, but provide interesting evidence for analysis ‌and policy making in some areas.

Each issue includes a story on the usefulness of the indicator, graphs to illustrate the story, a short description of the indicator, links to where the data can be found, and a further reading section.

New OECD-WTO data provides coherent and comprehensive view of Global Trade in Services (15 March 2018)
New evidence shows that almost 40% of people are economically vulnerable in the OECD (20 February 2018)

Merchandise trade statistics without asymmetries (14 December 2017)
What does household debt say about financial resilience? (7 September 2017)
Purchasing Power Parities – not only about Big Macs (10 July 2017)
What role for supply-use tables? (5 June 2017)
Large inequalities in longevity by gender and education in OECD countries (9 March 2017)
Inclusive Globalisation, does firm size matter? (6 February 2017)
Blowing bubbles? Developments in house prices (1 December 2016)
New OECD database on International Transport and Insurance Costs (2 November 2016)
What does GDP per capita tell us about households’ material well-being? (6 October 2016)
Job strain affects four out of ten European workers (21 June 2016)
Who’s Who in International Trade: A Spotlight on OECD Trade by Enterprise Characteristics data (25 April 2016)
Government assets matter too, not just debt (28 January 2016)

See also
Statistical Insights: Compendium of issues from January 2016 to March 2017 (PDF)
For further information, please contact the OECD Statistics Directorate at stat.contact@oecd.org.
Our statistics